GeoLogy Lecture Outline

IntroDuction, Earth Origins and Anatomy

And UnifomitariAnism  (CH 1)


I. Lecture Content

         What is Geology?

Observing Nature: Consciousness and the Act of Perception

Earth from a Scientific Perspective - A Systems Approach   

       Geology and Human Civilization

Geologic Studies, the Scientific Method & Theory                  

       Origin of Earth and our Solar System   

       Why is Earth a Dynamic Planet?

Overview of Plate Tectonic Theory                    

          The Hydrologic and Rock Cycles

       Geologic Time and the Principle of Uniformatarianism                 


II.  What is Geology?

     A.  Word comes from Greek: geo = earth; logos = study


       B. The Scientific Study of Planet Earth


              1. A very broad field of study:


Ø    The earth's internal structure and composition, its dynamic character (earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics), and the processes that occur within it


Ø     The processes that shape the surface of the Earth, and the materials that constitute its surface layers


Ø     The origin, occurrence, extraction and conservation of the Earth's natural resources - minerals, fossil fuels, soils, water


Ø     Earth's place within the Solar System


Ø     The history of life on Earth



              2. Geologic study is divided into two major areas:


·      Physical = materials and processes

·      Historical = origin and evolution


       C. The Discipline of Geology is Very Broad and Diverse

           1. Geochronology

           2. Planetary Geology

           3. Paleontology

           4. Economic Geology

           5. Environmental Geology

           6. Geochemistry

           7. Hydrogeology

           8. Mineralogy

           9. Petrology

          10. Geophysics

          11. Structural Geology

          12. Seismology

          13. Geomorphology

          14. Oceanography (marine geology)

          15. Paleogeography

          16. Stratigraphy/ Sedimentology

           17. Tectonics

           18. Volcanology

          19. Engineering Geology


       D. Geological Science Research - "Pure" Versus "Practical"

              1. "Pure" = sake of curiosity and scientific knowledge

                      Examples:  Studies of Trilobites; Age of the Earth


              2. "Practical" = solving human-related problems or concern

                      Examples: Oil Exploration; Geologic Hazards; Mining


E. Economical & Environmental Aspects of Geology

    1. Economical = Geology impacts local & global economies

Examples: Mineral & Energy Resources; Engineering


    2. Environmental = Geology affects local & global ecosystems

Examples: Geologic Hazards; Pollution; Development


F. Interesting & Rewarding Careers in Geology



III. Observing Nature Through the Human Experience  

       A.  Making Sense of Mother Nature and the Universe

              1. Humans have an amazing capacity for exploring and

   understanding nature and the Universe.     


2.  Humans take great efforts in searching for and defining

 the order and relationships between matter, energy, and

 life amidst a mind-boggling backdrop of cosmic chaos.



B.  The Tricky Thing We Call (Human) Perception

             1.  Identification, evaluation and categorization of objects


             2. Complex process of comparing different objects & events


             3. Prioritizing sensory (experiential) input (objects & events)


             4. Constantly creating a "perceived" reality (occurring now) based

                  on a "remembered" reality (the past)


             5. Personal and societal perceptions of Life on Earth are

                     based on popularly-held belief systems


       C.  The Means of Understanding the Nature of Things

              1. Human Senses - Input of Information


              2. Human Mind - Information processing (Thinking)

Ø    "Mapping" how everything is connected together

Ø    Finding out How and why things change the way they do

Ø    Making explanations and predictions of phenomena's behavior


              3. Technology - Extension of input and processing abilities

Ø         Input - Sensitive, sophisticated instruments

Ø         Process - Computers


IV. Systems Approach To Understanding the Earth

     A.  The Science Perspective of Earth

              1. Rational, analytical approach to studying the Earth


              2. Based upon empirical, reproducible evidence (facts)


              3. Testable interpretations (hypotheses & theories)


              4. Always open to debate and modification


       B. The System-Subsystem Conceptualization of Earth

              1. The Concept of a System - Combination of related parts

   (subsystems) that interact in an organized fashion.


              2. Individual Systems are characterized by the dynamic

                      transfer of energy, matter, and information:


·       Input = into the system from outside (the system)

·       Output = out of the system to outside (the system)

·       Process = transfer within/between subsystems


3. Very useful for understanding complex things such as

 Earth or a human body


              4. The Earth can be described as being a limited System

                       having a virtually limitless set of Sub-systems


       C. The Principle Subsystems of Earth

              1.  Core

              2.  Mantle

              3.  Lithosphere

              4.  Biosphere

5.  Hydrosphere

              6.  Atmosphere


       D. Complex Interactions Among Earth's Subsystems

              1. The Rock Cycle

              2. The Hydrologic Cycle

              3. The Biological Cycle

              4. Plate Tectonics - the "Supercontinent Cycle"


V.  Geology and Human Civilization

A.  The Human Experience Has Been Shaped by Geology

                 1. Every human society, past & present, developed their

              unique character and perceptions through daily interaction with

      their surrounding dynamic environment (land, sea, air & life)

·       Weather and Climate

·       Natural Disasters

·       Habitation & Resources

·       Cultural Behaviors & Belief Systems

·       Religions & Spirituality


              2. Humans are quickly becoming a major geologic force


       B.  Geology Affects Every Person's Everyday Life

              1.  Same factors as defined above


       C. Important Global, Regional and Local Geologic Issues

              1. Volcanic eruptions

              2. Earthquakes

              3. Tsunamis

              4. Flooding

              5. Mining and Oil Drilling

              6. Dams Building

              7. Environmental Degradation

              8. Urban Development

              9. Water Conservation

                10. Climate Change


VI. Geologic Studies, the Scientific Method & Theory

     A.  Geologic Research is Conducted in a Scientific Manner

              1. Clear stated purpose


2. Well thought out & carefully planned


3. Follows a set of logical and rational guidelines outlined

       in a step-by-step method called the Scientific Method


4. Collaboration, review, and debate with fellow geologists


5. Always open to scrutiny, challenge, and modification

       from the scientific community and the world at large


B. The Scientific Method - A Set-by-Step Research Plan


1. Observation -  Observe something in nature, using your

        bodily senses or sensing instruments. 


                2. Question - Ask a question about what you observe.


                3. Hypothesis - Predict what you think the answer to your question

 might be. (Hypothesis = an interpretation or model)


                4. Method - Figure out a way to test whether or not your hypothesis

 is correct.  Note that the outcome must be measurable,

 i.e. quantifiable and reproducible.


5. Result - Perform the experiment using the method you came up with,

   and record the results.  Repeat the experiment to confirm you



6. Conclusion - You state whether your prediction was confirmed or not

          and try to explain your results.


              7. Follow up - Repeat above steps (modify research plan) until your

 hypothesis confirms your results.


       C. The Development of Hypotheses and Theories


              1. A hypothesis becomes an acceptable model after repeated tests that

repeatedly confirm the hypothesis's prediction.


              2. A hypothesis becomes elevated to a theory only after years of rigorous,

                      exhaustive tests and scrutiny by the world scientific community.


VII.  Origin of Our Earth and Solar System

     A. Solar System Formed from Interstellar Gas & Dust


              1. Material came from two sources

·      Original primordial gases left over from Big Bang

ü    Mostly Hydrogen & Helium


·      Secondary material from exploded star(s)

ü    All sorts of elements from H to Uranium

ü    Both gases and solid matter


2. Coalescing of cold matter caused by gravitational fields

·       Gravity waves through interstellar space

·       Increasing gravity force of condensing matter


       B. Earth Accreted from the Rotating Solar Nebula Disc


              1. Condensing Solar nebula cloud began rotating


              2. Increasing angular momentum caused nebula to flatten

                   from an irregular mass into a spinning disc-like form


              3. Central mass condensed into the "proto" Sun


              4. Outer mass coalesced into many planetisimals, which

                      eventually lumped together to form "proto" planets


5. Over time, the "proto" planets swept up the remaining

                      planetisimals to become the nine known planets


              6. Inner planets, including Earth, formed mainly from the

 cold accretion of solid materials (heavier elements)

·      Metals (mostly iron, magnesium & nickel)

·      Silicates (rich in oxygen, silicone, and aluminum) 


              7. Outer planets, like Jupiter, formed mainly from volatiles

                      and gases (lighter elements)

·      Hydrogen & Helium

·      Water & Carbon Dioxide

·      Ammonia & Methane


              8. Accretion process probably took 1 BY to 500 MY


       C. Age of Earth & Solar System is about 4.6 Billion Years


Ø    Age come from the dating of meteorite & Moon samples


       D. Infant Earth Underwent Further Differentiation


              1. Extreme heating of Early Earth, due to released energy from

gravitational collapse, causes Earth to become molten


3. Segregation of Core and Mantle (facilitated by molten condition)


              4. Theorized collision of a Mars-sized planet with Earth to

 form the Earth-Moon system - Extremely violent event


              5. Intense period of planetisimal bombardment (~ 3.5 BYA)


6. Sufficient cooling to create a solid, thin, & very mobile

        lithosphere made up of many fast-moving micro plates


7. Earth's atmosphere underwent drastic changes (~ 2.5 BYA)


VIII.  Why is Earth Dynamic and Constantly Changing?

     A.  Evidence of Continual Change Since Accretion


              1.  Profound differences in character of the Earth's rock

       record for different periods of geologic time


Ø    Unique rock types; their abundance & occurrence

             Examples: Komatiites

                               Sedimentary iron beds



                               Glacial tillites


Ø    Unique fossils; their abundance & occurrence

               Examples: Trilobites




Ø    Distinctive tectonic terranes and their locations

               Examples: Wrangalia


                                 Southern California & Baja

                                 Mount Everest & the Himalayas

              2.  Present-day geologic activities and events

Ø    Earthquakes; Volcanic eruptions; Uplift & Erosion


        B. Powerful Driving Forces Sustain Earth's Dynamism

              1. Internal Forces


ü    Gravity - Increases with accretion of matter


ü    Radioactive decay - Release massive amounts of heat


ü    Rotational momentum - Coriolis effect; other effects


ü    Organic Life - Biochemical terra-forming


              2. External Forces


ü    Solar Wind - Sunshine, EMR and nuclear particles


ü    Heavenly body gravitational fields


ü    Bolides (comet and meteor impacts)


       C. Driving Forces Produce Heat and Density Gradients


            1. Gravity and radioactive decay generate internal Earth heat


ü    Gravitational heat left over form accretionary event


ü    Sustained nuclear "barbeque" in mantle and crust


             2. Internal Gravity and Thermal energy generate density

                    contrasts in the solid Earth = Internal layering


ü    Core

ü    Mantle

ü    Crust


             3. Solar radiation generates thermal and density contrasts in

                      the hydrosphere and atmosphere


ü    Dynamic Layering and Circulation Patterns


     4. Gravity of the Moon and Sun generate tidal forces on Earth


ü    Ocean tides


IX. The Plate Tectonic Theory – A simple Overview

       A. Earth's Outermost Solid Layer is called Lithosphere


              1. Consists of two parts (sub-layers)

·       Crust (top part)

·       Uppermost mantle (bottom part)


2. Two major types of Lithosphere

·       Continental lithosphere

·       Oceanic lithosphere


              3.  The lithosphere "floats" on top of the partially melted



              4. The lithosphere is made-up of a number of separate,

 irregular segments called tectonic plates

·      Six major plates

·      Six or so minor plates     


       B. The Lithospheric Plates are Mobile


              1. The plates move over the underlying mantle


              2. Each plate has a separate and unique plate motion


              3. The tectonic plates jostle with one another


4. Plates interact with one another in three different ways


       C. There are Three Types of Plate Boundaries


              1. Divergent - plates move away from each other


              2. Convergent - plates toward each other


              3. Transform - plates slide past each other


D. Plate Boundaries are the Primary Site of Present-day

      Mountain Building Events (Orogenies)


              1. Major Earthquakes

              2. Volcanism

              3. Crustal Uplift

              4. Folding & Faulting


E. Seafloor Spreading Occurs at Divergent Boundaries

              1. New oceanic lithosphere is created where two plates are

 actively pulling away from one another


              2. Predominant regional tensional forces at work


3. Site of the spectacular mid-ocean ridge system


4. Examples: Mid Atlantic Ridge & East Pacific Rise


       F. Subduction Occurs at Convergent Boundaries


              1. Old, dense oceanic lithosphere plunges back into the

                      underlying mantle


              2. Predominant regional compressional forces at work


              3. The site of a paired oceanic trench/ volcanic arc system


              4. Examples: Cascades, the Andes, the Alps, & Himalayas


G. The Plate Tectonic Theory is a Unifying Principle


1. Best explains the relationships between many different

       and seemingly unrelated geologic phenomena


2. Provides a sort of predictive "map" for explaining, past, present

       and future geologic phenomena & events


X. The Rock and Hydrologic Cycles

     A. The Rock Cycle

              1. A multi-process recycling (creation & destruction) of

one rock type into another


              2. Three major rock types (material reservoirs)

·      Igneous

·      Sedimentary

·      Metamorphic


3.  Several major multi-step rock-forming processes

·      Partial melting (magma), cooling & crystallization


·      Weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, &

        cementation and/or crystallization


·      Recrystallization & neocystallization of solid rock

        under elevated temperature and/or pressure


              4. The various rock reservoirs and related processes are

all interconnected under the title: Rock Cycle


       B. The Hydrologic Cycle

              1. A multi-process (re)cycling of water between the

 hydrosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere


              2. Several major water reservoirs

·      Ocean

·      Atmosphere

·      Glaciers

·      Lakes and Rivers

·      Groundwater

·      Plants


3.  Several water-transforming & moving processes

·      Evaporation

·      Transpiration

·      Precipitation

·      Runoff


XI. Geologic Time and Uniformatarianism

     A. The Geologic Time Scale

              1. Defined: A hierarchical time-rock scale in which the 4.6 billion-year

 geological/biological history of the Earth is divided into time units of

 varying duration and subdivisions.


              2. Development of timescale was a long, evolutionary process made

                  by a great number of individuals working on outcrops scattered far

                  and wide across the entire globe.


              3. Illustration of the Geologic Timescale (Figure 8.1)


       B. Principle of Uniformatarianism

1) Defined: the view that all geological processes that are

      occurring today (the rock cycle) were operating in the past,

      and produced similar results throughout Earth's history.


              2) "The" guiding fundamental principle in geology


              3) Important implications for historical geology


XII. Vocabulary Terms


Cold Accretion theory



Convergent plate boundary

Core (inner and outer)

Crust (continental and oceanic)



Divergent plate boundary

Geologic time scale



Historical geology

Hydrologic cycle



Igneous rock



Metamorphic rock


Physical geology


Plate tectonic theory

Principle of Uniformatarianism

Radioactive decay


Rock cycle

Scientific method

Seafloor spreading center

Solar nebula

Subduction zone



Transform plate boundary