Professor’s Welcome Message


Welcome to San Diego Mesa's College GEOL101 – Physical Geology Laboratory Course




Hello Everyone! My name is Ray Rector, your geology lab instructor for this course here at San Diego Mesa College


Congratulations for signing up for my physical geology lab course here at San Diego Mesa College this summer – you picked a great program!  This is a 1-unit, college-level, physical science laboratory, 8-week course held on campus in room MS110 every Wednesday from 2:20pm to 5:20pm. 


Here’s how this lab course generally works:


1) The instructor (that’s me!) is primarily a geology lab content/activity facilitator, lab activity leader, and learning outcome assessor – I’m here to make sure that you are able to access all the course content, that you understand how to successfully complete all the lab activities, and finally, grade your lab assignments and tests.   You and I primarily communicate during lab class, but you can also communicate with me outside of lab via discussion board and email me using the “Inbox” link found on the main Dashboard Canvas page.  You can also reach me at my personal website email address at


2) The student (that’s you!) takes part in weekly lab activities with your fellow student to learn hands-on introductory geology and successfully get college credit for doing it.  To successfully complete this course you must successfully complete a set of geology laboratory activities and take two lab exams, and possibly go on virtual geology fieldtrips.


3) The information (course content and materials) you need to learn in this lab course is found in several places: a) your free lab manual (both a in-lab hardcopy and an e-text online lab manual); b) mineral and rock collection sets; c) instructor’s lab slide presentations; d) instructor’s website and video links: e) numerous website and online article and video links that may be included in the assignment instructions; and f) direct personal communication with me.  


4) This lab comes with a Canvas shell where you will be required to download lab worksheets each week, check for announcements, and access a number of useful sources of information, including the course syllabus and schedule, and an assortment of supporting material for the weekly lab activities. Navigating through our Canvas course site is somewhat simple.  When you log into our Canvas course, you’ll notice that there is a menu on the left side of the course page, where all components of the course are listed.  This menu has several linked categories that include the following: “Home”; "Announcements”; "Lab Worksheets”; and “Grades”.


Here are some details for each menu item:


a) The “Home” link is where you will find all the various course components listed/expanded to view.  The “Home” page also has important logistical documents and information, such as my instructor welcome message and video links, and the course syllabus and schedule.  Other useful items are also there and include assignment and test-taking tips, plagiarism info, a link to my personal educational website, and Canvas help links.


b) The “Announcement” is where you find my weekly update message concerning current course activities and due dates. 


c) Means of communication between course participants is done from the "Discussion" link.  Note that "Email" messaging is done outside the course page, but within the general Canvas Dashboard site under the “Inbox” Icon.

d) Assessment components (graded class activities) of this course are found under the "Assignments", and “Quizzes” sections. 

e) Much of the course geology science curriculum is also found at my personal student website at , and includes textbook support, professor’s lecture materials (lecture notes and PowerPoints), Geology streaming learning videos, and Internet geosciences education links.

         f) Required weekly lab activity worksheets are found at the Home Page within the lab schedule table.   Each weekly laboratory covers a specific geologic topic and includes a set of lab activities and a post-lab writing reflection.

         g) Practice quizzes and exams are found in the “Quizzes” link.  

 h) You have access to your grades in the course through the “Grades” link.

         i)  The “Discussion” link includes several different forums.  This where students can hold public or private discussions concerning course work – primarily students helping students – and for raising any sorts of questions, comments and concerns about this course or anything in general. 



5) Your typical work agenda for each week will include: a) downloading and printing a hard copy of the lab worksheet for the current week; b) reading a chapter in your laboratory manual that pertains to the current week lab topic; c) viewing the professor's PowerPoint lab presentations and other supportive lab materials; d) completing the laboratory activities in lab; and e) compose a written lab reflection.


Important Resources and Must-Read Documents:


Lab Syllabus:  You will need to download a PDF file of the lab syllabus and bring with you for the first day of lab.  Click here to download the syllabus


NO TEXTBOOK purchase FOR THIS LAB   There is a hardcopy lab manual that we will be using for this laboratory course, however, you are NOT required to buy it.  important Note:  a free, in-lab, loaner copy of the laboratory manual will be available for use for every student during lab time, but cannot be taken out of the lab room.   You can purchase a copy of this lab manual if you want your own copy to use at home.  This lab manual is not sold in the campus bookstore.  However, you can purchase this lab manual used online from  a vendor such as


Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology - 8th

Editors: AGI and NAGT;   8th Edition: ISBN10: 0136007716;

Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology - With 6mods and 4gtools (ISBN10: 0136007716; ISBN13: 9780136007715)  8th Edition Cover     




Free ONLINE LAB Course TextBOOK: There is also a free supplementary, open-source lab manual that you can use for this laboratory course.

This free geology lab e-manual has a PDF format.  The title is Introductory Geology Laboratory Manual  The authors are Bradley Deline, PhD,  Randa Harris, MS, and Karen Tefend, PhD, and is published by the University of North Georgia.  Click here to download your free copy:    You can also download the lab manual from the Canvas course page (in Learning Resources folder), or on the professor’s geology lab web page.  Please download this manual and save it for use during this lab course.  You will be using this pdf manual as a secondary source for information for completed the lab activities for this geology lab.


You will also be using an additional educational website that is designed and maintained by the instructor (my personal website) exclusively created for maximizing your learning outcomes.  This website is found at:

             Once there, click on the


     geo101_mesa_butt.gif    button to access our classroom web page.   Here you will find a plethora of information that will greatly facilitate your success in this course.


Make sure to thoroughly and carefully read the course syllabus, schedule, and plagiarism policy


    1) The syllabus is basically the official course contract between me (the instructor) and you (the student).  This is where all the course information and logistics are found.   Things like textbook information, how assignments   should be completed, and grading standards are all found in the syllabus.  


   2) The schedule is, by far, the most important document during the semester for keeping your studies on a timely track – things like weekly lab assignment sand test due dates are all there.


   3) My plagiarism policy is also provided for your benefit as a student.   Read and understand it very carefully.  Note that I use plagiarism detection software like “” and “Eve2” on the assignments that you turn in to me. 


  4) Assignment and Test taking tips are found in the “Home” page -- created to help you successfully complete and submit the assignments, quizzes, and exams.


  5)  For those students who are new to the Canvas online learning platform, a very helpful link to a Online Student Training page is found under the “Home” page (URL:


Weekly Lab Assignments


Before coming to lab class, you must download and print out a hardcopy the lab worksheet and bring it with you to lab.   There is no guarantee that extra copies of the lab worksheet will be found in the lab. Each weekly lab assignment is to be done in the lab during the allotted lab time, unless the professor instructs otherwise.   Each weekly lab assignment must be completed in the lab during the allotted lab time, unless the professor instructs otherwise.  When you have fully completed your lab worksheet, you will turn it in at the instructor’s front lab bench before leaving lab for the day.  You are not allowed to complete any unfinished portions of your lab worksheet at home after the lab is over, and turn it in the following week.   I will grade your lab worksheets and turn it back to you graded the following lab.


 Weekly Lab Exams


This lab class has two exams: a midterm exam and a final.  Both exams are described as practical tests, meaning that the exam activities and questions will be closely matched to the what you did in lab while filling out the lab worksheets.  In fact, the exams will feel like you are doing a lab, only using a test sheet rather than a worksheet.  Each exam will have roughly 50 questions (true/false, multiple choice, and matching) and is done using a Scantron card.   You will get roughly four hours to take each exam.


Late lab assignments and exams are both unaccepted.  Make sure that you stay on top of ALL due dates (listed in the Course Schedule).


Covid Safety Precautions


This lab is held on campus this semester during the Covid-9 pandemic.  Therefore, strict Covid-19 health and safety protocols will be in place for any on-campus activities this semester.  For our lab, students need to either vaccinated, or get weekly Covid-testing if they are not vaccinated.   Everyone will need to be wearing properly fitted approved face masks while on campus and in classes at all times.  Make sure to be prepared for these protocols before coming to campus, including reasonable social distancing practices, and please follow the protocol rules while on campus and in class. 


As stated above, I can be contacted by email through the “Inbox” link on the main Canvas page. I will check messages virtually every day.   Alternately, I can be contacted via traditional email at


I hope that you will enjoy this course this summer, and that you will learn a lot about the Earth too. Let’s make the most of it!  Look forward to meeting everyone in lab!


Oh, and if you get a chance, please watch my posted Welcome Video! 






  Ray Rector